
Why you'll love Internet 1 Gig

Play, watch, stream, or work to your heart’s content. Your whole household can do it all, at once, any time of day, without limits, including serious gaming and HD video streaming.

No Data Caps Icon
No Data Caps

Stream, play, and scroll to the end of the Internet with unlimited data.

WiFi Modem Included Icon
WiFi Modem Included

Your brand new, technologically advanced wireless modem is included with a continuous subscription to WOW! Internet.

WOW!'s Price Lock Promise Icon
WOW!'s Price Lock Promise

With WOW!'s Price Lock Promise, we'll guarantee your current monthly internet rate at your current speed, as long as you're a WOW! customer.

More of everything you love. Less of everything you don't.

No annual contracts. IconNo annual contracts. Say goodbye at any time. We hope you won’t - but you can.
30-day guarantee. Icon30-day guarantee. Love it or leave it and get your money back. What's to lose?
Award-winning service. IconAward-winning service. Always. We're here for you, 24/7.
WOW! Price Lock Promise. IconWOW! Price Lock Promise. Your monthly rate won't go up as long as you stay with the same speed. We promise.
WiFi modem included. IconWiFi modem included. Love your modem? Great. If not, use ours.
Free self-install kit. IconFree self-install kit. DIY in 1-2-3, or have us do it for you.

Make your Internet go further

Speed isn't the only thing. Get the most out of your Internet with the right hardware and the best connection.

Internet 1 Gig

Lightning-fast speed...

WiFi Modem

WiFi Modem Included**

Whole-Home WiFi

Parental controls and no more buffering or dead zones

*With AutoPay & paperless billing. Equipment, taxes, and other fees extra. **99.9% network reliability based on average HFC Availability, April 2023 - June 2023

Watch 100+ channels of Live TV
Youtube TV logo
Watch 100+ channels of Live TV

Get live and local favorites including sports and news, plus a wide collection of on-demand entertainment. Start watching in minutes! Save $10/mo on YouTube TV for 1 year when you bundle with any Internet package Shop Internet + TV >

  • Restrictions and terms apply. Limited time offer to new customers subject to change. Taxes and fees extra. Additional YouTube TV terms and conditions apply.
Ditch dead zones and put an end to buffering
Ditch dead zones and put an end to buffering

Ensure coverage in every room with WOW! Whole-Home WiFi. Our mesh system of eero connected devices lets you create a WiFi network that works for your whole home.

It has been a dramatic change for the better, I'll be recommending WOW! to all of my friends!

Tory B, Internet 1 Gig

Is Internet 1 Gig fast enough?

No annual contracts and no risk with our 30-day guarantee


  • What equipment is required for WOW! Internet?

    You’ll use a modem to connect to WOW! internet and you have the option to either lease one from WOW! or bring your own. If you choose to bring your own, take a look at which modems are compatible with your WOW! Internet speed here.

    You can extend your lightning-fast WOW! Internet into every room by adding WOW! Whole-Home WiFi. You’ll be provided 2 eero devices to get you started and even more can be added. This mesh system of eero connected devices creates a WiFi network that works in your whole home.

  • How secure is WOW! Internet?

    WOW! Internet includes network level security that is easy to use with no settings or management. Your protection is always on and running as a first line of defense for all of the devices in your home. This security helps protect you from viruses, malware and phishing. Within our security, the Network Safety Blocking Feature also helps block you from visiting malicious domains and URLs. Security is provided with maximum efficiency - no slow-downs caused on your devices and zero reminders to update any applications. On top of that, you can rest assured that WOW! iIs continually working to implement updates and enhancements to our network. View our complete network practices here.

    When you choose WOW! Whole-Home WiFi you can add an eero security package to better monitor your usage, increase your privacy, and tighten your security. Learn more about eero Secure and eero Plus here.

  • What is download speed? Upload speed?

    Download speed is the time it takes for your computer to access a webpage from a server. Upload speed is the time it takes for your computer to send information to a remote computer. For example, a higher download speed means that your browser will load pictures from a photo sharing website faster. A higher upload speed means that you will be able to post videos to that same website more quickly than someone with a slower speed.

    Your service speed reflects the maximum wired speed delivered to your location. The actual speed available to your connected device will vary, depending upon the method of connecting to the Internet (wired vs. wireless), the limits of Ethernet ports (e.g., when using a 1Gbps Ethernet port, your actual speed to a single device will generally be up to 940Mbps over a hardwired connection), the location, number and capability of WiFi devices and connected devices, and other factors outside of WOW!’s control.