If I lose power, will my home alarm still work?

WOW!'s broadband enabled phone service (including access to 911) is not available in the event of a power outage unless you have a battery backup or other power source. If you would like to order a back-up battery, please contact us.

However, if your phone service is interrupted due to a cable outage or downed cable lines, your phone service and alarm system will not work. Because the equipment used to support WOW! Phone in your home (advanced phone modem) relies on a power source; power outages can have an impact on your ability to place and receive calls, including 911 calls. WOW! Phone service (including access to 911) will not be available in the event of a power outage. WOW! Phone relies on the cable network for delivering a call to the local switch. If the WOW! cable network is down or the cable network in your home is not working, you will be unable to make or receive phone calls, regardless of whether or not there is power.