
How do I cancel a Pay-Per-View I ordered?

If you have ordered a Pay-Per-View movie or event in advance and decide that you no longer want to view that movie or event, follow these steps to cancel the Pay-Per-View content. If the movie or event has already started, you cannot cancel your order.

How To Cancel a Pay-Per-View Order for WOW! Original or ULTRA TV:

  • Press the Settings button on the remote control twice to access the General Settings menu
  • Select the PPV: Purchases option using the up, down, and select buttons on the remote control
  • Select the Pending option using the up, down, and select buttons on the remote control
  • Select the content that you wish to cancel using the up, down, and select buttons on the remote control
  • Press the yellow A button on the remote control to confirm cancellation
  • Press the Exit button on the remote control to resume watching TV

Note for WOW! tv+ users: Pay-Per-View is not a function with WOW! tv+. Instead, refer to Video OnDemand programming.